Ladies and gentlemen, the second chapter has arrived! If we haven’t had the pleasure of sharing with you our first thoughts on some entertaining Eco-Friendly Activities, you can have a look at them over here.
This week, we’re taking it close to home. Not emotionally, of course, but who knows if a lowkey tear of pride won’t drop after you’ve accomplished/adopted the previous and following suggestions? That’s right, you guessed it again, we’re going to find some ways of having some pedagogical fun at home. We’re going to mix it with some nice related tips and, in the end, improve our very own carbon footprint!
Attention, this might get a little out of the box, but bear with me:
Origami: We all know what it is, but most of us have no idea how to do it. What if I told you that we now have the missing piece - an ecological reason to learn. Origami is a splendid way to use paper from old mail, magazines, and even some vintage newspaper you might have laying around! Trust me, it’s a lot easier than it seems unless you want to make a helicopter. Here’s a butterfly in 3 minutes: How To Make an Easy Origami Butterfly (in 3 MINUTES!)
Home-made Beer: My favorite, dare I say. The carbon footprint figures you find when researching the manufacturing process are higher than you would expect, coming from such a fine pleasure. Homebrewing is far cheaper and, most importantly, ends up helping the environment. This guy knows what I’m talking about: How To Brew Your First Homemade Beer
A Special Bin: If you’re reading this blog, there’s a high chance you already have separate bins for paper, plastic, and glass. But do you have a bin for what we call “clean trash”? Exactly! Another missing piece, that allows you to improve your upcycling game and crafting projects, which are a lot of fun. We will probably get into some crafting in the future, so don’t worry.
Home Tips:
Try to use natural light whenever possible! Open your blinds and curtains and enjoy the beautiful sunlight. Creating a habit of always having the lights on when it’s not necessary, might not seem like much besides the bill at the end of the month, but imagine if we all did that? In the long run, it takes its toll on the environment. Switching off or unplugging electricity goes hand to hand with this advice. Remember, whatever you leave on standby is still consuming power.
Take shorter showers! I know how relaxing it is, but knowing that you use 16 gallons/72 liters of water every time you take one might also change your mind. Even 70% of our body is made up of it. Let's try and start seeing water as underrated gold and challenge ourselves to shower as quickly and efficiently as possible!
Plan your Laundry Days! Your laundry machine consumes the same amount of energy to wash a full load of clothing as it does to wash a single sock. Try to use it only when you have a large quantity so you can make the most of it without feeling a little bit guilty, now that you know this. Just kidding, but please do it.
As we become more environmentally conscious, it’s easier to find healthy activities and entertain ourselves with the notion in mind that we’re helping as much as we can. Once we begin doing these things, we’ll be having a significant positive impact on the environment in no time.
Good habits lead to a healthier planet! We’ll see you next week!