
How to Recycle Properly

Hello, everyone! First order of the day is of the utmost importance, we’re going back to basics as the practice of recycling represents one of th...

Black Friday: Saving or Damaging?

There’s always one specific time of the year that brings the most joy to our hearts. Some long for Christmas, others for their birthdays. In the m...

Eco-Ableism: What is it?

With the current climate crisis we’re facing, it’s natural that we might get ahead of ourselves in certain stages of finding solutions, considerin...

National Maritime Day

  Today is a special day. As you might have guessed from the title, we’re here to celebrate on behalf of our nation’s date of choice, the importan...

Modern Green Businesses

What do money and nature have in common besides the color green? We know nature has been around for millions of years before we introduced the wo...

Eco-friendly Marketing Strategies

Corporations around the world are changing their marketing to adapt to the global environmental crisis, collectively switching towards more sustai...

Halloween Special: Jack O’Lanterns

Ghostly greetings, everyone! Halloween is just around the corner and we most definitely had to talk about it. Speaking of which, one thing that a...

Fashion Landfills - What is it?

One small swag for a man, one giant landfill for mankind! Like most mass industries, the fashion industry hasn’t failed to disappoint when it come...

How Much Plastic is Produced Everyday?

As modern questions require modern solutions, this specific question requires a direct answer. We know that this is one of our planet’s biggest en...

The Hazards of Air Pollution

As they say, fresh air never gets old. But it does get detrimental to human health when constant harmful air pollutants have been, for decades, an...

Organic Food Wrapped in Plastic

Well, well, well. We meet again regarding another topic surrounding plastic usage. This subject might have crossed your mind throughout the self-s...

Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent

  As the Portuguese often say, “necessity sharpens ingenuity”. The perfect expression to go hand in hand with the never-ending chore of laundry wa...